Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Warm Present

I came home to a present early this morning after my morning run. I walked into the kitchen where Jeff was, and he pointed to a bag on the floor and said, “I have a present for you. I thought to myself, “How sweet” a gift!!! (Wondering why he was giving it to me in the morning when he had plenty of time to give it to me last night)

I eagerly dug into the bag anticipating some thoughtful gift from my man, not knowing that I would lay my hands on a nice big fresh warm pooh! Just as I grabbed it, he said, "Don't Touch it!" What on earth?!!! Then I caught a whiff of the fumes! OH MAN! Disgusting!! Jeff is laughing as he realized that I didn't get what he was up to. (I am thankful that he had it wrapped in saran wrap to keep my hands from coming in direct contact.)

Why did my man give me a gift of pooh this morning you ask? Well, we have had a sick little man on our hands for over a week. The doctor sent us home with tubes for stool cultures and we have been waiting on "the movement" the last couple of days. While I was out for my run, "the movement" came! Woohoo! I was happy for what was in the bag, but NOT happy that my husband played that cruel joke on me!!

Love starting a morning off with presents!!

I know...this post is SICK.....sorry!